We are happy to report on an activity held under the Jean Monnet Module EU Banking and Finance Law & Policy after NGEU (NGEULaw) taught at DCU School of Law & Government. The students enrolled in this module participated in a study trip to EU institutions and stakeholders’ organisations in Brussels, from 26 to 28 March 2023. They heard from both EU policy-makers and key stakeholders from the industry.
To give you a snapshot of the topics covered, the group discussed the completion of the Banking Union, the review of the crisis management and deposit insurance framework, and the Bank resolution legal framework with EU officials from the Single Resolution Board, the European Commission DG FISMA, and the European Parliament. Such discussions were extremely timely considering the last two weeks’ developments and the turmoil following the Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, touching on the first lessons learnt. Students also engaged on digital finance and the financing of sustainable and inclusive growth through banking with senior experts from the European Banking Federation. They gained insights on Next Generation EU (NGEU) and the evolutions of the NGEU framework in light of REPowerEU measures that followed the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis, as well as the Technical Support Instrument that supports EU Member States’ reforms with an official from European Commission DG REFORM.
The students also heard testimonials from the Ireland’s Department of Finance officials as well as key advice on EU career opportunities at the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU and at the ECIU headquarter – the European Consortium of Innovative Universities. The group also went to the House of European History and wandered in Brussels’ City Centre during their free time.
All in all, a very successful first edition of the NGEULaw study trip!