Recovery of Europe, Budget of the Union: Integration, Law & Democracy

REBUILD is the first Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of DCU and a new project of the DCU Brexit Institute. REBUILD is funded under the EU Erasmus+ programme, and led by Professor Federico Fabbrini.

DECADES: Federico Fabbrini on Ireland in the EU: 1970s – 2020s, From Accession to Brexit and Beyond
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DECADES: Federico Fabbrini on Ireland in the EU: 1970s – 2020s, From Accession to Brexit and Beyond

This episode is a conversation with Federico Fabbrini, Director of the DCU Brexit Institute, about how Ireland’s situation in the EU has changed as a result of Brexit.

Upcoming Conference: Rebuilding a Prosperous European Economy
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Upcoming Conference: Rebuilding a Prosperous European Economy

From 22-24 January, we will host the concluding conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence REBUILD, and the kick-off ...

The Commission Legislative Proposal for the New Stability and Growth Pact: an Interdisciplinary Discussion
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