Recovery of Europe, Budget of the Union: Integration, Law & Democracy

REBUILD is the first Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of DCU and a new project of the DCU Brexit Institute. REBUILD is funded under the EU Erasmus+ programme, and led by Professor Federico Fabbrini.

DECADES: Federico Fabbrini on Ireland in the EU: 1970s – 2020s, From Accession to Brexit and Beyond
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DECADES: Federico Fabbrini on Ireland in the EU: 1970s – 2020s, From Accession to Brexit and Beyond

This episode is a conversation with Federico Fabbrini, Director of the DCU Brexit Institute, about how Ireland’s situation in the EU has changed as a result of Brexit.

DCU Brexit Institute & DELI win EU funding for Jean Monnet Network PROSPER
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DCU Brexit Institute & DELI win EU funding for Jean Monnet Network PROSPER

Dublin City University is one of the beneficiaries to receive funding from the European Union (EU) to establish the Jean ...

The Commission Legislative Proposal for the New Stability and Growth Pact: an Interdisciplinary Discussion
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