Prior to that, she held postdoctoral positions at the University of Luxembourg and at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy). She completed her PhD in Law at the European University Institute of Florence (Italy). Her doctoral research dealt with the legal dimension of the migration – development nexus in the European Union policy framework. Her research focuses on EU migration law and policy, and on the EU development policy. She has also done substantial research on human rights in connection to both migration and asylum. In addition to her academic activities, she has worked with several institutions, including non-governmental organisations.
Her most recent publications include: Beyond the Institutional Dimension of Differentiated Governance: Uncovering the ‘Fractured’ Values of the EU Migration Policy, BRIDGE Network Working Paper No. 18, available at SSRN: or (November 2021); ‘The ambiguity of the European Union policy discourse on the Migration and Development Nexus: Perpetuating the Colonial Legacy?’ published in UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs (Spring 2020); ‘Luxembourg Financial Aid for Higher Studies and Children of Frontier Workers: Evolution and Challenges in Light of the Case-Law of the Court of Justice’ published in European Public Law (January 2021) and The Migration-Development Nexus in the European Union Policy Framework – A Legal Perspective (Cambridge University Press, under contract).