Upcoming Event: The EU General Court and the Preliminary Reference Procedure

The DCU Brexit Institute is delighted to announce that on Wednesday 9 October, we will host a special event within the framework of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence REBUILD and with the support of the Jean Monnet Modules NGEU-Law, Post Brexit-Law and LPF-Law. The event will take place from 16.00 – 18.00.

The event features a keynote speech by Judge Savvas Papasavvas, Vice President of the EU General Court and will be an opportunity to examine one of the most significant changes in the EU judicial system in decades — namely the recent amendment to the Protocol of the European Court of Justice, which empowers for the first time the EU General Court to hear preliminary references by national courts in several specific fields, including customs law, VAT and passengers rights. In addition to Judge Papasavvas‘ keynote, welcoming remarks will be provided by Dr. Tanya Ní Mhuirthile (Head of the School of Law & Government, DCU) and Prof. Federico Fabbrini (Full Professor of EU Law and Founding Director of the DCU Brexit Institute) will act as chair.

The event will also officially launch the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) The EU in Changing Times’ by Dr. Ian Cooper (Senior Research Fellow at the DCU Brexit Institute). The MOOC was produced by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence REBUILD with the support of the EU and the Department of Foreign Affairs Communicating Europe Initiative.

The event will take place in-person at the Moot Court, Room C206 in the Henry Grattan Building, DCU Glasnevin Campus, Dublin.

You can sign up to attend the event here. Given the professional focus of this initiative, we also offer the opportunity to participants to obtain Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points, for a fee. In this case, register for the for payment option on Eventbrite. View the full event programme here.

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